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Project launch press release

01 noiembrie, 2022


The commune of Şinteu benefits from non-refundable funds for the implementation of the project entitled ,,Think Green! Go Solar!”, 2021/325459, financed under the Norway Grants Financial Mechanism Program 2014-2021, Energy Programs in Romania, Call for Project Proposals: 3.1 ”Increased capacity to deliver renewable energy” – Other Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Focus area: Renewable Energy

The project was submitted for financing by UAT Comuna Şinteu in September 2021, within the Norway Grants Financial Mechanism Program 2014-2021, Energy Programs in Romania, Call for Project Proposals: 3.1 „Increased capacity to deliver renewable energy” – Other Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Focus area: Renewable Energy.

The financing contract was signed at the beginning of June 2022. The duration of the project implementation is 15 months, the activities taking place between June 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023. The total budget of the project is 546,832.00 Euros, of which 464,800.00 Euro (85%) represents the funding received from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.

The general objective of the project is to increase energy efficiency through the use of solar energy as renewable energy, thus proposing to reduce the amount of pollutant emissions, but at the same time to be able to satisfy the demand of the target groups we have in mind, more precisely that of benefiting from energy constantly, in a safe and clean environment.

In today’s global context, alternative resources have become a viable solution to our need for a stable source of energy that at the same time has an extremely low impact on the environment. To meet this need, we have developed a project that opts for solar energy because its impact on the environment is minor compared to any other energy source. It does not produce greenhouse gases and does not pollute water, soil or air. Complementarily, our project becomes a way to communicate a relevant message to target groups and the community, namely to intensify the use of energy from renewable sources so that future generations can enjoy a healthy and clean environment.

Thus, we intend to create in the commune two photovoltaic parks located on a metal structure on the ground, with a total installed power of 300 kW connected to 2 (two) public lighting consumption places in the villages of Valea Târnei (100 kw) and Huta Voivozi (200 kw): in total 556 monocrystalline photovoltaic panels and 6 inverters of 50 kW. The innovative performance of the project is determined by the use in making the investment of monocrystalline photovoltaic panels manufactured with high efficiency technologies that guarantee the maximum production of energy, respectively of 540 Wp/panel, which can currently be used in the field of electricity production from renewable photovoltaic sources.

The electricity produced will be used for its own consumption, i.e. the public street lighting and the electricity consumed by the public buildings in the locality, the Şinteu Commune thus acquiring the quality of prosumer. In the medium term, the investment in photovoltaic panels for own use will align the institution among other local actors for whom environmental protection is very important.

For more information about the project, contact us at phone no. 0259/429.750 (Lașak Benedek) or consult the website or the Facebook page of Șinteu Municipality.Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe